Frequently Asked Questions

Many of your Frequently Asked Questions can be answered here.
We get several calls and emails a day, so please refer to this page before contacting.
Here you will find Frequently Asked Questions about everything Goat Yoga! You asked, we answered… and heard it ALL. From “Private Classes”, to “Goat Poo” Whatever your question is, please refer to this FAQ page before contacting.
Thank you!
Have questions not listed? Contact Us, and we will do our best to answer.
Sometimes the “tickets email” does not go through with AOL and Yahoo Servers- that is OK. We will look you up by your first and last name at check in. If you received a confirmation, or your card was charged, you can be assured your order went through and you are on the list!
We believe in the more the merrier! Our classes generally fill up with about 100 participants. Although it sounds like a lot of people compared to traditional yoga classes, it all works out and everybody is guaranteed a “Goat Experience”.
Most of our goat yoga classes are held at Welcome Home Ranch, 26601 S. Val Vista Dr #GoatYoga Gilbert, 85298 This is the NE corner Val Vista/Hunt Hwy. Locations may vary so always check your ticket. Parking for Goat Yoga is in the first parking lot after the entrance. Occasionally there are Rodeos and High-quality equestrian events going on that you are welcome to attend after goat yoga class.
We don’t believe in long waiting lists, but classes fill fast! We highly recommend buying a ticket online as soon as possible for a guaranteed spot. We do allow a certain amount of Drop-ins for $20 a person at the door, so contact us to see if there are spots available. We will open new classes as others fill, so there will always be classes available.
Goat Yoga focuses on basic poses that are catered to all ages and abilities. We want everybody to feel comfortable no matter your fitness level.
That being said, if you are an experienced yogi, you are welcome make yoga as difficult as you would like. A goat on your back for added weight while balancing in a pose, can be pretty tricky. Most people are not really there for the yoga, but if you are, feel free to make it harder. Goats dont judge, goats just love.
Yes children are welcome to come to a class, but still need a ticket regardless of age. We prefer that they are comfortable around animals and are able to make it through a fun yoga class, without wandering around. We have a lot of other animals so it can be tempting (alpacas, horses, Chickens, Cows). Some of our goats can get upwards to 20 pounds, and dont discriminate who they jump on. So please use your own discretion when bringing a child.
Yes we do, and they make the perfect gift… Especially for that friend who has “EVERYTHING!” Gift Certificates and T-Shirts/Tanks can be found in our Shop. We also sell merchandise during our Classes.
Sorry there are no refunds or make-up classes. If you are unable to make it to your assigned class due to unforeseen circumstances, we may be able to move you to a different one within the following week. Please give us adequate notice beforehand so we can make room for you in another class, and give someone else the opportunity to take your reservation. our classes fill up quickly!
We do offer private classes at the ranch, and cooperate events at your location. Information and price menu can be found Here. For smaller groups, we recommend joining a public class and sitting together in your group. We also rent out our Goats and Alpacas for wedding alpaca booths, Alpaca Zoom Conference calls, and Goat Grams.
Absolutely, but we have a few guidelines to follow. You can pick up and hold the baby goats if they come to you (and they will). Please dont chase them, we want to teach them that they can be comfortable and safe during yoga. We ask that you share the love, and limit your time holding baby goats. The babies will fall asleep and melt into your arms, so it can be really hard to give them up, but you have to be strong! Please put the goat down if it starts wiggling or bleating, as it may need to nurse. Do not take a baby away from their mom if they are lying next to each-other or nursing, again, we want them to feel safe. Our goats genuinely love Goat Yoga and enjoy jumping and playing with human interaction.
If you gotta go, we do have a porta-potty, but recommend using a restroom before class.
For insurance purposes, only those who pay for the class can be within the enclosed area. If you wish to only watch, or take pictures, you can do so from outside the fence… but it is a lot more fun inside! We will have a professional photographer in every class.
Goat Yoga is a very casual fun environment and we recognize that not everyone there is for the yoga. You are welcome to just sit on your mat and meditate with the goats, but, because of insurance reasons, must still sign up for a class. Only about 20% of goat yoga participants do yoga on a regular basis.. You may even find that you actually like doing yoga!
We suggest to wear something comfortable that you are able to move around in, just remember you’ll have goats jumping on your back in a grassy pasture.
The actual class is an hour long, but many stay a longer to take pictures and mingle with goats.
We recommend you bring your own yoga mat, or towel, but we do have a limited amount of mats available to rent for $5.
Gift Certificates make the perfect gift and are good for any of our World Famous Goat Yoga Classes! They are valid for 6 months, from Date of Purchase, and are easy to redeem!
*Updated Please Read*- We recently upgraded our gift certificate system, but still have some older certificates out there. If your certificate Expires before November 15th, and only has a 4 digit “Certificate” number- There is no need to sign up or go through checkout. Simply bring the certificate with you as your ticket in- As long as it is not expired, you are good to go!
If your certificate Expires after November 15th, and has a 16 digit “Coupon Code” starting with “GYA”, simply choose a class, enter the coupon code, and proceed through checkout. All Gift Certificates expire 6 months from Date of Purchase. Please note that Gift Certificates will not work if expired, or if class is full. There are no extensions on expired gift certificates and no refunds.
Goat yoga is in an open field with plenty of room. We have had several people come in a wheel chairs, but depending on the handicap, you may want to bring a friend to help. Please be aware that it is in a grassy field that can be damp or dusty from time to time.
If class is cancelled due to unforeseen rain or irrigation, we will issue a rain-check good for any future Goat Yoga class. Please do not assume class is cancelled- even if it is raining in your area, until you receive an email. It is sunny 325 days a year in Arizona, and usually clears up for goat yoga. Rain-checks expire in 2 months from date of class.
Goat Yoga Fundraisers are a fun, and easy way to earn money for your school, community, church, cause, team, sport, club, camp… anything you want! The best part is, we allow you the ability to set your own price. You can find information HERE on a couple different options, depending on your needs.
If a class photographer was there that day, your photos will be posted Here. Class photographers are not always present, so plan on bringing your own camera- just in case. Please allow a couple days for our photographer to process the photos.
April and Sarah will go to your location for private goat yoga events within the metropolitan Phoenix area, and Tucson. Please go to our private events tab for details. The goats will only travel out of state for Ellen Degeneres and other major network television shows.
You can check into goat yoga with just the name that bought the ticket. If you’d like to give it to someone else, you can forward them your ticket, or give them the name you bought the ticket under! You do not need to print out your ticket.
Our goats are constantly having cute little babies, and there is no retirement age for our Yoga Goats, so we are continually growing our farm. We typically have 100 or more people in every class but have plenty of goats to go around!
You might be asking yourself, how can Arizona Goat Yoga be the BEST GOAT YOGA IN THE WORLD, and the cheapest? I know right?! For $15 you get to experience the Greatest Day of your Life with the sweetest record-holding goats and most lovable alpacas, all dressed in adorable costumes… but wait, there’s more! If this isn’t enough… we will include horses watching in the background (horse yoga), beautiful Arizona Mountain Sceenry, and many star guest apperiences by Gidget the Hedgehog, Daisy the Dairy Cow, my little Ponies, Bunnies, Turtles, and real live Unicorns! We want everyone to be able to experience Arizona Goat Yoga- so you’ll tell your friends. We keep every class unique- so you’ll keep coming, and maybe buy a shirt… It just makes sense.
Arizona Goat Yoga is the first goat yoga of its kind and planted seeds in 2015. April started incorporating goats into her workout routine while training for NBC American Ninja Warrior 2015. Coincidentally Sarah was teaching paddle-board yoga and trying to think of a warmer alternative during the winter. We combined our two passions, and Goat Yoga was born!
Yes, even in the summer! April and Sarah are both native to Arizona and feel very fortunate to live in a State with Beautiful Year-Round weather. Arizona Goat Yoga is the longest continual-running Goat Yoga business and we adjust the time of classes accordingly to ensure comfortable temperatures. Arizona Goat Yoga is currently rated #1 Goat Yoga in the Western United States, and is among the top 10 things to do in Arizona! We love when people come from out of State for Goat Yoga! We work very hard to constantly come up with new ideas to make Goat Yoga an interacting, entertaining, belly-laughing, community party and affordable to everyone. We are proud to be the board members of the Goat Yoga Association, and are happy to see Goat Yoga now all across the world… I mean, how can you really go wrong with yoga and goats?
There is no retirement age for Arizona Goat Yoga Goats and we think they are always cute-No matter what their age! Our goats are our beloved pets. When they get too big to jump, we teach them to go under or around… Although sometimes they get excited and will still try to jump on you. I would be cautious with other locations that only bring baby goats. Babies are innately spunky and adorable, but they are usually borrowed from Dairy Farms. Sadly these kids are taken away from their grieving mothers immediately after birth. As they grow, they are left to fend for themselves, strictly livestock or discarded as meat.
Our goats are first-world goats. They are our beloved pets and, much like a puppy, crave human attention! Goat yoga has been proven to be therapeutic for yogis and goats alike. They get excited when its time for yoga and freely run into the trailer on their own. While not at class, we are spoiling them with love and affection, playing with them constantly, and teaching them new tricks through positive reinforcement. This assures their happiness and skill. Goats are naturally skittish and are purely used as livestock. You would not be able to walk up to a goat grazing in a field and have it jump on your back. They most likely would not even let you get close to them- and run away in fear. Not our goats, our goats are the best goats in the entire world! (may be a little biased)
We saved the best question for last… All of our classes are held outside in a beautiful grassy field, so any poo becomes part of the Earth. Goats poo little tiny pellets, with no smell, and full of minerals, and makes incredible manure for your gardens. We give it away for free… so if you are interested, bring a bag and take as much as you want! Goats don’t usually poo on you, so if they do, brush it off and consider yourself lucky!